Back so soon? Okay, here we go:
Incident at a Motel
Part 2 of an Occasional Series
Unable to control two crime scenes at once, Big Dick made the call for backup. When Officer Mary Ann Hotchkiss responded, he left her to cope with the mess while he chugged up the stairs to 401 to complete the mission that had begun with his dyslexic misstep. Stormtroopering still another door, he surprised two potential perps in flagrante and wide-eyed delicto, their attention suddenly diverted to the jack-booted and slightly out-of-breath police sergeant standing where the door used to be. Pleased to find the occupants with heads intact and demonstrably well, Big Dick got down to business. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
The perp on the bottom croaked out an answer that could have been “Okay,” so Big Dick continued. “We have a heinous crime in progress down in Room 104. Well, not actually in progress, but it was probably in progress a little while back. Did you hear anything unusual downstairs?”
The perp on the bottom croaked out an answer that could have been “Okay,” so Big Dick continued. “We have a heinous crime in progress down in Room 104. Well, not actually in progress, but it was probably in progress a little while back. Did you hear anything unusual downstairs?”
“Would you mind terribly closing that door?” asked the perp on the top. Big Dick hated it when people answered questions with questions. The top perp withdrew toward a chair, selfishly swaddling himself in the only unoccupied sheet in the room. His accomplice glared at him nakedly from the bed.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” Big Dick tried to force the splintered door back into its frame when he suddenly recalled that the original report of a disturbance in Room 401 was a 520/NV – noise without violence – and he began to contemplate his lack of a warrant. “We, ah, thought that the noise reported in here might be somehow connected with two folks, victims actually, who lost their heads in Room 104. But I see you both have all your parts in order. Maybe you might have heard something?” He paused to ponder the likelihood that these enthusiastic but nonviolent bystanders might be helpful. “Depends on how seriously you treat foreplay, I guess.”
The perps shook their heads.
“Okay. Please don’t leave town until we have had time to question you further.” He ducked out through the remnants of the door without checking ID’s as storm clouds gathered on the horizontal perp’s face.
When he arrived back in the bloody mess that was Room 104, he found that Benny the Nose had arrived. Benny was
“I’m guessing sawed-off shotgun, 12 gauge, no choke, up close. Just vaporized the vics’ heads. Hearts kept pumping long enough to paint the whole damn room red.” Big Dick had paid close attention during the weapons session at
“Nope,” sniffed Benny. “What do you smell?”
“My point exactly. No gunpowder smell. I will wager that the team will find no bullets, no shot pellets, and no shell casings anywhere in the room.”
“So – what – ?“ Big Dick trailed off in confusion.
“And there’s more,” said Benny the Nose. “I smell brains.”
“Yes, cooked.”
“Cooked brains?”
“Yeah, if you rinse off the layer of sprayed blood, you’re going to find cooked brain underneath. Medium rare, I think.”
To Be Continued, Perhaps