Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Curmudgeonly Tweeter

I have friends.  You might be surprised at that since I can be downright surly on occasion.  Maybe most occasions.  I have always wanted to be known as curmudgeonly, but curmudgeonly takes work.  Truly lazy curmudgeons are rare, so I may have to choose.

One friend writes wonderfully sophisticated stuff for Young Adults, along with a wonderfully creative creative blog she calls Harley May - because that's who she is.  She found a book she likes - follow the link and read the review - which has inspired a contest in which followers are to recreate scenes from the book.  Enclosed is Harley May's own recreation of one scene in which someone is driving a nail through a body part.  That's what we curmudgeons like to see.  Nails.  And body parts.  Especially body parts.

Anyway, I am telling you these things so you will know that even curmudgeons have a heart.

Harley May wants me to get on Twitter and engage in social networking. Does that sound curmudgeonly?  Damn right it doesn't.  (Curmudgeons say "damn" a lot.  It certainly makes me feel better.)  No self-respecting curmudgeon would stoop to tweeting.  Tweeting makes me irascible.



  1. Newt, I will tweet this.

    And I marked this as crap. You and your curmudgeonly crap.

  2. Sir, I believe you will forever be my favorite curmudgeon. Sincerely.

  3. Personally, I prefer crotchety. It's got a nice edge to it and fits better into a tweet. Which, of course, you will learn once Harley May has hounded you into signing on.

    Give in now. Resistance is futile, and possibly hazardous to your health.

  4. Hmmph. One says "Crap," and one says "Forever." Don't believe either one.

  5. I went to the library earlier today figuring to read Sean Farrell's new book, "Numb," for free. Someone had checked it out. Probably Harley May. It's enough to make a curmudgeon crotchety.

  6. Hey there, you crotchety curmudgeon! Betcha' haven't reached old coot status yet.

  7. Bah! It's Florida. The place is lousy with old coots. Not a young coot among them. Old coots are just curmudgeon wannabes.

  8. I believe that you might be a young coot, by Florida standards...

  9. Robert Frost makes this easy to explain: one road leads to Old Cootery. Most of Florida is broken down somewhere on that road. The other road leads to Curmudgeon. I took the road less trampled.
